
Showing posts from February, 2011


我很痛。 心理不平衡的关系,总是爱乱想别的事情 情绪很容易受到环境的影响,而拥有极大的起浮和坠落 很希望得到重视,却不懂得如何让自己平静下来 差得有点瞧不起自己,这就是23.02.11 22.31时的我。


亲爱的: 一天比一天感觉更加疲倦。原以为是考试结束了的关系方这样,或该说告一段落,才拥有如此的感触。   实际上,和考试一点关系也没有。就是突然间,突然间的。 精神上和身躯的困倦异常严重,急需要休息来恢复应当有的元气。不该吸取的就应该远离,不是吗?小时候,老师就教过了,陌生人要远离。不要轻易的相信他们,因为它们永远都是披着羊皮的狼。 我却离开轨道了。 我从来不吸取教训,所以每一次都跌得好重,伤痕累累。为人善变是水瓶宝宝的特性。为了保护自己,我改变对别人的态度。我今天才知道我在不同的场合有不同的人格。是件坏事吗? 我真得好累。 婧   笔

Leadership Programme. Part 4.

Everything should have full stop at the end, no matter how good and how bad it is. 19th February 2011, it was the last day we would stay there. As usual, we had a simple marching (it's ok already for me, after the training under the big hot sun) in the morning. Then, exercise! I was glad to hear this. It has been horrible long time for me to exercise. Meals with Teh 'O' became one of the must there, it's too sweet for me. I have to bear this, because of the resort's didin't prepare other type of drinks for us. There was plain water too, but I refuse to drink it. The LDK continued with another activity. The organiser gather some groups in a hall, which then giving a critical and creative thinking task for us, again! Let's think about the school you would create or build in the new era (future time, not in the meantime), without concerning the budget. Someone will pay for you. I really gonna knock myself to the wall. I don't have any creative cell or im...

Leadership Programme. Part 3.

I am so excited about the LDK. Don't misunderstanding why I have such great passion to this activity. I truly like the unusual way the facilitator used to increase our confidence and I learnt a lot from the series of activities. He give all of us a wide space to expose our ability to the maximum level. Very good, right? I am interested in debate frankly. However, I don't have any chance to participate in any competition of this. We were given task to analyze the characteristics' of several individuals, e.g. Amber Chia, Siti and Farid. The group members who chose the same character had to discuss about the pros and cons of them to be a leader. Tie between friend and friend. Every of us tried hard to crack our head to seek for the suitable reasons to support our choice. Can you imagine how our discussion going on? We discuss loudly without caring about others' feeling. EEEee~ The sound of the boy, H did interrupt my peers and I. After 15-minute discussion, we starte...

Leadership Programme. Part 2.

I was not pretty good in the mood because of the silly alarm. We had to gather again on the next morning. We were grouped in specific group. There were 11 groups altogether. Well, I was so lucky and blessed to be in a same group with my sister and a little junior I knew well. For sure, with some students whom I don't really know well, but after that our relationship become quite good. Can I say like that? Strangers ---> Friends What a great improvement! So far, I was so glad to have new friends. Alright, back to the programme. The trainers were very strict to us, they ask us to march at the small square, right in front the main hall. The leader of the second group made all of us laugh. Not only his hilarious action, also his manner towards one of the trainer there. I wonder do both of them are enemy? Well, it's just a funny event for me, don't take it seriously. I never march before. If I did, it must be the band formation's marching style. This type of marching i...

Leadership Programme. Part 1.

Yesterday, I just came back from the three-day-one-night leadership programme which was organised by the BTN. No need to talk too much about the aim, I am sure you guys know that well, if you read the title of my blog post. I am a school prefect, so that's why it became a must for me to take part in that programme. Actually, I don't really interested with such programme at first. When my teacher told me to take part in it, my mind came out with such words: "Oh, My God! Again?!" Though it has been two years, since the last leadership programme i took part. Leadership programme doesn't fun at all, conversely, it's bored. I hadn't finish my exam yet, when I was informed about the special event which would drop on the weekend. MY PRECIOUS WEEKEND! I planned to study my novels and spending time with the korean dramas. I am willing to spend my whole weekend with my favourite past time, instead of 'jailing' me in a specific area. I packed my luggage ...

Happy Birthday,17.

“生日快乐!”我对自己说。  不知不觉,在福建人家燃放红鞭炮的当儿,我的生日已经到了尾段,正式结束了。 我是个百分百念旧的人,特别喜欢文字祝福。 朋友们的祝福,不管是口头上的,留在面子书上文字式的,手机短讯式的,还有通过电话大声祝福的,我统统都会铭记于心。这是一辈子仅有一次的美好回忆。 我把面子书上所有的祝福都拷贝起来,好好地收在锦囊里,随身携带。 电话里的短信则存档在一个特别的文件档里,时不时再开起来度,笑一笑。 那么亲口给予祝福的和打电话祝福的,我会一直回忆,因为这样才不会容易把你们特别给我的话语都给忘记。祝福语,不需要任何奢华的点缀,只要有的是诚心,那是会很好的礼物。 今年,我算是第一次办生日派对吧!小时候不能如愿以偿举办的,我在17岁的生日竟然办成了! 我没有像其他朋友一样到KFC庆祝,也没有在家里大肆唱生日歌,切蛋糕。 超级超级小型,或是迷你迷你型的生日派对。 我在补习班和9位朋友,还有老师一起庆祝。他们唱生日歌给我听,给我做魔术表演,给我祝福,我真的很感动。我没有这样开心的过过生日。 聆听朋友一边拍手,一边高歌,感觉好棒!他们的热情让我感到很温暖。很温暖。 我们没有蛋糕,唯有可云独爱的菊花茶,还有老师自制的新年饼干。 老师还给我们讲故事。她的故事,让我想起了以前的自己,我也有一个这样的经验。 那天下午,我和很多朋友通了电话。平日不爱通电话,反常地喜欢投过简讯与人沟通的我,第一次会说:“讲电话,听声音比较有真实感。” 和朋友,学姐,哈拉一整天,可以很好玩。 没试过怎么会知道那个感觉呢? To the Diary, I left all my memories with you. Keep them well. 我喜欢收到手写的东西。即便是一张黄透了的纸张,上面只要有给我的祝福,我会珍藏它们。 我在人情这方面的思维比较老旧,会很渴望受到手写的祝福。能够实实在在握到、看到的东西,就会蕴藏好,毕竟后边的感情和意义万分重大。 妹妹亲手做的贺卡,是今年收到最好最好的礼物。 谢谢你们,陪我度过那么美好的一天!


封笔一段时间,文笔变差了,文路也不灵通。 这事实让我无可奈何,举头看天,天空依然是蔚蓝色的,太阳霸气十足,占据了整片天空的色彩。 可是,谁晓得风景已不在了呢? 我的文字经不起阳光的讽刺。 把文章沉淀 我没有常常翻阅自己写过的文章,因为我深怕自己写的不好,没达到自己的标准水平。 有人告诉过我:“沉淀过的文章,引发出来的感觉会不同,当然感触也不一样。” 前些天,由于考试的关系,我初次把深锁在储藏室里的旧考卷搬出来。所幸他们没曝露于紫外线超强的阳光,依然保持应有的雪白。 我抽出来的战利品,英文考卷……国语考卷……华语考卷…… 一张一张出自我笔下的作文就在半个小时内,被我消化了。 当下我只有一种思想:“这怎么可能是我写的文章!” 果然,重温经历“一番寒 彻 骨”的作文,心境有很大的差别。 话说回来,那时候的我,还嫌它们很差。 现在,我真的写不出来曾经拥有的水平了。 蓝莓蛋糕,甜中带酸。 文字在学习的路上固然重要,在生活方面亦不逊色。 文字点缀我们平淡的生活,就像是饭后呈上的甜点,咖啡加了糖般,是甜的。


啊! 没事。