Leadership Programme. Part 1.

Yesterday, I just came back from the three-day-one-night leadership programme which was organised by the BTN. No need to talk too much about the aim, I am sure you guys know that well, if you read the title of my blog post. I am a school prefect, so that's why it became a must for me to take part in that programme.

Actually, I don't really interested with such programme at first. When my teacher told me to take part in it, my mind came out with such words: "Oh, My God! Again?!" Though it has been two years, since the last leadership programme i took part. Leadership programme doesn't fun at all, conversely, it's bored. I hadn't finish my exam yet, when I was informed about the special event which would drop on the weekend. MY PRECIOUS WEEKEND! I planned to study my novels and spending time with the korean dramas. I am willing to spend my whole weekend with my favourite past time, instead of 'jailing' me in a specific area.

I packed my luggage with my sister and biology reference book. It's not a tough task, but it need a lot of energy and time. Luckily, my sister was willing to lend me a helping hand, and I just need to over check and add in some things I want to bring it along. Well, doing two jobs in a same time was challenging. I could not focus on my studies, kept skipping the sub-topics.

On the first day, my friends and I hopped on the school bus right after our lunch in school. We were heading to the beach. The night was filled up with a talk from my teacher's husband. His talk was good, I learned to  get some important information from him. They might help in my general knowledge. I can live well in other different surrounding, if it is good enough for me. I considered the programme spot was good, I try to be optimistic so that I can sleep well.

Yeap, an unexpected disturbance from the cellphone. Ringing at 4 a.m! This makes me cross, I really hate something/one disturb me when I am trying hard to sleep well. My roommate stopped the alarm and both of us thought nothing would happen after that. After 30 minutes, it snooze! I wanted to get the phone up and throw it to the floor or wall, what so ever, as long as it doesn't bother me anymore. Things made worst since I couldn't continue my sleep.

The alarm rang for X times, and it was switch off about 6 morning.

To be conntinue.....


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